Wk 8- ePortfolio

This week’s activity was to display our goals for our websites through an ePortfolio.

My major goals in life is to become a top real estate agent and also a well known and talented interior designer.

Although those are my major goals in life, I still have little goals that I would like to pursue such as getting better at surfing and hopefully getting good enough to compete in US Open. I would also like to branch out in my photography and shoot more because I know that I have not been putting the time and effort in lately.

With that being said my intended audience would be other Artistic people who are spontaneous and ambitious as myself.

I would like to communicate my artistic abilty and my overall love for living.

Photography:  6897563947_97e6c97e19_oIMG_77566843892073_46903d553e_o

Before Pics:Screen Shot 2014-10-19 at 8.36.55 PM

This is pretty much what my blog looked like before and it was pretty lame because every theme that I liked wasn’t free. 😦

After Pics:Screen Shot 2014-10-19 at 10.22.59 PM

There is definitely still work to be done, but I am making some progress now and hoping to find a theme I really like.

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